

无论是平板电脑或移动设备,PDF文件格式是支持每一个和每一个,由于大量接受和使用的文件格式。个人和组织使用PDF文件存储和传输数据和图像。这种格式在出版界也被广泛使用,特别是用于创建商业报告、电子书和电子杂志。顾名思义,PDF文件格式是高度便携的,这意味着PDF文件可以存储和携带在几乎每一种可移动设备上,如软盘,cd和美元加密狗。存储在可移动设备中的PDF文件允许用户在每台台式机和笔记本电脑上访问他们的文件,前提是他们有一个PDF阅读器应用程序,如Acrobat reader。然而,当一个文件没有正确地刻录或传输时,它往往会被损坏。一个损坏的PDF文件,不仅破坏系统,而且使其容易受到攻击。当PDF文件损坏或损坏时,将无法在任何阅读器应用程序中打开,从而使用户无法访问存储在PDF中的信息。如果文件包含很多需要的信息,需要每天访问,这个问题就不能忽视了。用户可以尝试从其他系统访问可移动媒体来打开PDF文件。 If they are lucky, then the problem might have been in the PDF reader application on their system which was preventing the files from being opened. If this the case then the PDF file should open in on another computer system. However, if not then users can try converting the files into a different format using online tools, third party software or using Adobe Reader itself. But there is not guarantee that the all the data on the corrupt PDF file will be recovered by converting it. Users can also try finding the reason why the PDF file stored in the removable device got corrupted in the first place. Sometimes, due to long usage, the file system on the removable devices gets damaged, there by corrupting every files on the device. If this the case can, users can try copying the file to a different device. However, it might not help as the PDF is itself damaged. Adobe might offer some help tips, users can always troubleshoot an ailing PDF file by copying the error message that the PDF file is showing when they attempt to open it and pasting the error on Adobe support section and follow the instructions that come there after. However, for repairing corrupt PDF files on removable devices such as floppy, CD and USB, users can also take the help of DataNumen PDF Repair software tool, which is powerful PDF repair tool that can repair files stored in CDs and floppy devices. The software can also be used to recover data from highly damaged files and recover the data stored in it. One of the USPs of the tool is that it can repair files stored on removable media, it is the closest users will come to repairing the PDF files.

