

PDF文件格式已经存在了很长一段时间,并已成为组织中创建报告和存储敏感信息的通用文件格式。电子出版商还使用PDF文件来创建所有使用adobeacrobatreader的人都可以访问的电子书或报告。该应用程序几乎适用于所有文件格式,允许通用访问PDF文件。使用PDF文件格式的最好的事情是,文档中的信息以与最初创建时相同的方式显示,因此,PDF文件被广泛使用。该文件格式的一个优点是,发布者可以使文件尽可能具有吸引力和媒体丰富。这就是为什么大多数电子书和电子报告都是这种格式的原因。但是,经常使用该文件会损坏它,使文档无法访问。这可能会给依赖PDF文件存储重要信息(如员工和客户数据)的组织带来一些问题。对于PDF修复,用户可以查看一些在线可用的恢复软件。DataNumen PDF Repair就是这样一个软件。 The software not only helps in repairing the damaged PDF files but can also assist the users in a number of other related functions. The software can be used to scan the damaged file and tends to quickly begin the repairing process as soon as possible. Most of the time, the complete damaged file is repaired but sometimes it may be only be able to recover some data. Anyway, something is better than nothing. DataNumen PDF Repair comes with an intuitive user interface and power functionality that repair damaged PDF files in a jiffy. PDF repair is something which needs to be handed over to professionals, and DataNumen PDF Repair does the job well. In order to start repairing PDF file, first you need to download the software from the Data Numen website and install the program on your computer system. The software is light so it will not burden the computer nor compromise any other file. Then click on the ‘Start’ menu and select ‘All Programs’. A list of the all the programs installed on your computer system will appear. You then need to locate ‘Advance PDF Repair’ and click on it to run the program. Make sure that the Adobe Acrobat Reader or any other PDF application is not running before you start the repair process. When the program starts running, you would be required to click on ‘…’ which is right next to the ‘Select PDF file to be repaired’ in order to select the damaged file for PDF repair. Then, locate and select from the file browser window that opens next and click on the ‘Open’ option. After selecting the damaged PDF file for repair, you can change the format of the repaired file if you are satisfied with the default one, by clicking on the ‘Output Fixed File As’ option. Finally, click on the ‘Start Repair’ and wait patiently for DataNumen PDF Repair to do its work.

