
微软Exchange服务器被组织用来管理组织内部发送的电子邮件。Microsoft Outlook作为客户端,允许企业用户阅读和管理电子邮件;Exchange服务器作为后端,确保客户端工作顺利,并允许用户存储电子邮件以供离线访问。

Microsoft Exchange服务器管理大量员工之间交换的大量电子邮件。由于一台服务器负责管理和存储来自整个机构的电子邮件,有时用户需要恢复被他们故意或意外删除的文件。服务器管理普通群组使用的Outlook客户端,允许他们接收和发送电子邮件,离线存储电子邮件文件,创建日历,创建联系人列表并与群组成员共享。Microsoft Exchange服务器提供的最重要和最有用的功能之一是,如果DumpsterAlwaysOn注册表项已被激活,则能够从服务器内部恢复交换文件或删除的OST文件。当服务器被多个用户使用时,激活注册表项是明智的,因为有人意外删除重要文件的机会增加了。IT管理员可以通过访问Outlook应用程序的控制面板,通过几个简单的步骤激活注册表项。为了开manbetx万博登录始恢复已删除的文件,首先必须获得管理员权限,可以通过管理员帐户访问应用程序来授予管理员权限。在继续之前,IT管理员必须确保Microsoft Outlook软件在恢复已删除的项目之前已同步到Exchange服务器。之后,点击“开始”按钮并选择“运行”功能。当它打开时,在“打开”区域输入“regedit”,然后单击“确定”。 Next, the IT admin would be required to click on the plus sign that is available right next to the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” option and then select the ‘Software’ option. The next step in order to recover exchange files, involves IT admin selecting the ‘Microsoft’ option and then simply click on the ‘Exchange’ option. Select the ‘Client’ option on the window which appears next and then access the ‘Options’ option. Next, move the cursor to the ‘New’ option on the ‘Edit’ menu and select the ‘DWORD Value’ option. Now, this is where the ‘Dumpster Always On’ function comes in. If the function has been enabled by the IT admin, then users will be able to enter the option and press ‘Enter’ button on the keyboard. IT admins would then have to double-click on the Dumpster Always On option and would have to enter ‘1’ in the ‘Value Date’ box on the window. After that, IT admins can exit the registry after clicking on the ‘Decimal’ option and then ‘OK’ option. After exiting the registry, IT admins would need to open the Microsoft Outlook software and access the ‘Deleted Items’ folder. The folder temporarily stores the items deleted on Microsoft Outlook on the Exchange server. Click on the ‘Tools’ menu bar and select the ‘Recover Deleted Data’ option. From the new window that opens, admins would have to search the locate the file they want to recover and then click on the ‘Recover Selected Data’ option. Apart from the tools provided by Microsoft, users can also use third party software like DataNumen Exchange Recovery in order to recover exchange files.
