2 Methods to Remove the Original Background Color of an Email When Replying It

When replying an email which has background color, if you would like to remove it, you can use the following 2 means introduced in this article.

Some users like to use their preferred background color in their emails. Thus it is believed that you may have ever received such emails which contain customized background color. If you dislike the color, you must wish to remove it when reply the email. As usual, to remove the color, you can manually change the “Page Color” to “No Color”. However, it is troublesome. In fact, you can use the following 2 tips to automatically remove the background color when replying.

Remove the Original Background Color of an Email When Replying It

Method 1: Change Reply Options

By default, the reply is set to automatically include the original message text. In this case, the original message background color will be surely included too. Thus if you would like to not include the color, you can change the reply options.

  1. Firstly, launch your Outlook.
  2. Then go to “File” menu.
  3. Next select “Options”.
  4. Subsequently, switch to “Mail” tab in the popup “Outlook Options” dialog box.
  5. After that, find the “Replies and Forwards” section.
  6. Later, select “Do not include original message” or “Attach original message” from the drop down list of “When replying to a message”.Change Reply Options
  7. Finally click “OK” to save the changes. Now you can have a try.

One of the biggest downsides of Method 1 is that the reply will not include the original email in its message body. Thus, if you dislike it, you can choose the next means.


  1. At the very outset, press “Alt + F11” in Outlook.
  2. Then in the VBA editor window, open a not-in-use module.
  3. Next copy and paste the following VBA codes into it.
Public WithEvents objExplorer As Outlook.Explorer Public WithEvents objMail As Outlook.MailItem Private Sub Application_Startup() Set objExplorer = Outlook.Application.ActiveExplorer End Sub Private Sub objExplorer_SelectionChange() On Error Resume Next Set objMail = objExplorer.Selection.Item(1) End Sub Private Sub objMail_Reply(ByVal Response As Object, Cancel As Boolean) Dim objReply As Outlook.MailItem Dim strReplyRecipient As String Dim objNewReply As Outlook.MailItem Set objReply = objMail.Reply strReplyRecipient = objMail.SenderEmailAddress Set objNewReply = Outlook.Application.CreateItem(olMailItem) With objNewReply .Recipients.Add (strReplyRecipient) .Recipients.ResolveAll .Subject = objReply.Subject .HTMLBody = objReply.HTMLBody .Display End With Cancel = True End Sub Private Sub objMail_ReplyAll(ByVal Forward As Object, Cancel As Boolean) Dim objReplyAll As Outlook.MailItem Dim objReplyRecipients As Outlook.Recipients Dim objrecipient As Outlook.recipient Dim objNewReplyAll As Outlook.MailItem Set objReplyAll = objMail.ReplyAll Set objReplyRecipients = objReplyAll.Recipients Set objNewReplyAll = Outlook.Application.CreateItem(olMailItem) For Each objrecipient In objReplyRecipients objNewReplyAll.Recipients.Add (objrecipient.Address) Next With objNewReplyAll .Recipients.ResolveAll .Subject = objReplyAll.Subject .HTMLBody = objReplyAll.HTMLBody .Display End With Cancel = True End Sub

VBA代码——Remove the Original Background Color of an Email When Replying It

  1. Subsequently, sign this code.
  2. Later change Outlook macro settings to permit signed macros.
  3. Next restart your Outlook to activate the new VBA project.
  4. Eventually you can have a try.
  • Select an email and click “Reply” or “Reply All” button in ribbon.Reply
  • A new reply message will display, you’ll see that the original background color has been removed.No Background Color in Reply

Cope with Annoying PST Troubles

It is inevitable for regular Outlook users to encounter various PST issues, such as common errors, virus anddamaged OutlookPST files, etc. In face of such troubles, you can use inbox repair tool to solve it in the first place. If issues persist, you can try a more robust tool, such as DataNumen Outlook Repair.

Author Introduction:

Shirley Zhang is a data recovery expert in DataNumen, Inc., which is the world leader in data recovery technologies, includingcorrupt sqland outlook repair software products. For more information visitwww.circareview.com

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