

Microsoft在Exchange Server 2003中引入了Recovery Storage Group,它允许管理员在与原始数据库相同的系统上创建辅助Exchange邮箱数据库,或者在同一Exchange组上创建不同的系统。该工具允许用户恢复交换文件,而不需要安装另一个exchange恢复系统。为了使manbetx万博登录用恢复存储组,用户必须确保Exchange服务器的Active Directory拓扑结构保持原始状态。这意味着用户希望恢复的邮箱或交换文件不应被删除或移动到其他服务器。请记住,在组织范围内的系统崩溃期间,恢复存储组不能用于恢复多个存储组或服务器。该工具只能用于从单个数据库、邮箱和存储组中恢复丢失的数据。还应该注意,从恢复存储组中的邮箱发送和接收电子邮件是不可能的,应用邮箱管理策略也是不可能的。为了恢manbetx万博登录复交换文件,用户首先需要访问exchange System Manager并创建恢复存储组,并在RSG上挂载用户想要恢复的邮箱。创建备份并挂载存储邮箱后,用户将被要求单击恢复存储组下的“邮箱存储”文件下的“邮箱”。点击“邮箱”,邮箱就会出现在右边的窗口面板上。 Users would then need to select the mailbox they want to recover and right click on them to access the Exchange Tasks option. This will open the Exchange Task Wizard tool which pave the way for mailbox recovery. Select the ‘Recover Mailbox Data’ option and click on next. A window will open depicting the path on which the mailbox needs to be restored, click on the next option to continue. User will then be greeted by a window which will allow them to either ‘Merge Data’ or ‘Copy Data’. ‘Merge Data’ will allow users to merge the data between the mailbox in the Recovery Storage Group and the user inbox, adding missing files. ‘Copy Data’ will allow the users to restore the entire data on the backup mailbox to a folder titled ‘Recovered Data’, with the date and time of the recovery, located under the user inbox. Users can also check the progress of the recovery process from the Task in Progress dialog box. Log files are also located in :\Documents and Settings\\My Documents\ExchanegTaskWizard. IT admins can recover exchange files by using the Recovery Storage Group, without the need of external help. But still, third party tools like the DataNumen Exchange Recovery tool can be of immense help if users are having problems with the recovery tool. One thing to keep in mind before using the Recovery Storage Group is that to make sure that the mailbox is still available on the original database and is connected to the Active Directory user account.
