4 Approaches to Troubleshooting MS Excel File Errors

在本文中,您将了解普通causes of MS Excel file errors and find four approaches to fixing them.

4 Approaches to Troubleshooting MS Excel File Errors

If you are a heavy user of MS Excel, you know how frustrating errors can be. In the worst-case scenario, file errors can make it impossible to access or work on your workbooks. How can you avoid this inconvenience?

Causes of MS Excel file errors

MS Excel file errors occur due to diverse reasons such as corruption of files, errors in VBA codes, software incompatibility, and computer hardware problems. When fixing Excel file errors, your approach should focus on fixing the root cause of the problem. Therefore, when faced with file errors, it is important to do thorough investigations to rule out other causes before fixing them. Here are four approaches you can use to troubleshootExcel errors.

  1. Use Excel’s inbuilt repair utility

MS Excel comes with a file repair tool. If your investigations show that your file is corrupt, try to repair the file and see if the error message disappears. To do this, open the file in save mode. If you succeed, MS Excel will attempt to repair the file and hopefully fix the error.

You can also try to use the open and repair function on MS Excel. To achieve this, open a blank spreadsheet, then click File>Open>Browse. Next, go to the file location and select it. Click the down arrow next to the ‘Open’ button to reveal the ‘Open and Repair’ option. This should help you to fix errors associated with file corruption.

  1. Use automated software recovery tools

If you are unable to fix your file using the above approach, consider using automated data recovery tools such as DataNumen Excel Repair. The good news is that these tools are optimized to fix repair corrupt files. They also help you to recover data features such as associated formulas and cell formatting. As you choose these data recovery tools, select a tool that has the data recovery rate. This ensures that you recover most of your data.

DataNumen Excel Repair
  1. Check your VBA code for errors

VBA coding allows you to automate your workbook. This helps you to increase your productivity as tasks that would take hours to do are complete with a mere click of a button. However, if best practices are not followed during the development process, problems can arise while executing the code. This gives rise to errors that won’t go away until the code is fixed. In such cases, the developer will need to debug their code for errors such as using codenames improperly. To avoid such cases from recurring, it is advisable for VBA developers to observe best coding practices.

  1. Reinstall MS Excel

Sometimes errors occur in MS excel due to improper installation of the program. In this case, you will need to uninstall your current MS Office suite and reinstall it afresh. Before reinstalling the package, make sure you restart your computer. Also, make sure the office suite you are installing is compatible with your computer operating system. This will go a long way in preventing similar problems in the future.

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