如何恢复超过2 GB的文件?

有时,当大量人员作为一个组在Exchange服务器上工作时,随着组成员之间交换的电子邮件数量的增加,他们的OST文件的大小会变得很大。当OST文件大于2 GB时,Microsoft Outlook有时会在加载OST时遇到问题。这里有一个关于如何修复这样的OST文件,以使他们可访问的详细指南。manbetx万博登录

OST文件是离线存储文件,用于存储Exchange服务器上群组成员之间以及组织其他成员之间交换的电子邮件。当用户没有连接到互联网时,可以访问OST文件以查看电子邮件和对话。微软Outlook负责管理Exchange服务器上的组织电子邮件,除了传统的电子邮件服务外,还提供日历、联系人和任务等服务。当文件损坏并且用户无法访问时,就需要恢复OST文件。大多数情况下,OST文件由于其巨大的大小而损坏,超过了2 GB,这是微软对OST和PST文件施加的限制。使用公司提供的收件箱修复工具无法解决该问题。该工具专注于修复损坏的文件,但修复超过2gb的文件超出了它的能力。建议IT管理员在继续进行文件修复之前使用收件箱修复工具创建OST文件的截断副本。用户会被警告,即使修复了文件,在修复过程中可能会丢失一些文件。这是因为该工具减小了损坏的OST的大小,使其大小小于2gb,减少了20到25mb,导致一些数据被删除。 Now, in order to start the process, users would have to first download the Inbox Repair Tool from the Microsoft Download Center. Then users can proceed by creating a truncated copy of the OST files in question. This can be done by the Pst2gb.exe program, extracted from the Inbox Repair Tool download files, which allows the users to shave off the amount of data which is required in order to recover OST files. Now, once the truncated file is created, IT admins would again have to access the Inbox Repair Tool and repair the now small OST file that has been created. After the process is completed, try opening the repaired OST file on Microsoft Outlook. If it fails to open for some reason, then delete the file and repeat the truncating process until an accessible repaired file is created. If the file open in Microsoft Outlook, then IT admin would need to right click on the root folder of the OST file and click on ‘Properties’. Click on the ‘Compress Now’ option in order to compress the repaired OST file. Depending on the size of the file being compressed, the process is most likely to take around four to eight hours before it is completed. Apart from using the steps and tools offered by Microsoft to recover OST files, IT admins can also use the DataNumen Exchange Recovery tool in order to recover the damaged files. In order to avoid further cases like this, IT admins can install a hotfix that prevent MS Outlook from allowing OST files to expand beyond 2 GB. Users can also use more than one OST file to distribute the data among them or they can also store email attachments in a file system and delete them from the messages.
