如何从Microsoft Outlook退出Exchange恢复模式?


微软在Outlook 2003和更新版本中引入了缓存交换模式,以改善离线存储文件的查看。manbetx万博登录该特性还支持Exchange服务器和脱机文件之间更好的同步。缓存交换模式也可以用于交换恢复的OST文件,当他们从服务器上删除。在早期版本中,当缓存交换模式不可用时,当OST文件被重置或在Exchange服务器上的OST文件和邮箱之间有变化时,Outlook将为新创建的邮箱创建一个新的OST文件,但旧的OST文件不会被删除。然而,即使旧的OST文件没有被删除,用户也无法访问它们的数据。当旧邮箱恢复后,以前无法访问的旧OST文件将对用户开放。但是,恢复的邮箱将导致无法访问新邮箱。当执行交换恢复时,这可能会造成一些问题,因为当另一个无法访问时,两个都无法访问。在较新的版本中,即具有缓存交换模式的版本中,这种情况不会发生,而是Microsoft Outlook进入交换恢复模式。Exchange恢复模式迫使用户在离线模式或在线模式之间进行选择。 When the users select to work offline in the offline mode, then they can only access the OST files and not the ones on the exchange server. When users select to work online in the online mode, then they are able to access the mailboxes stored in the server but not the offline files in the old OST file. The Exchange Recovery Mode in the Cached Recovery Mode allows users to access the files alternatively, making things less cumbersome. However, the problem of alternatively accessing the old and new OST files can be solved by converting the old OST file to a new PST file. Converting the might solve the problems of alternatively accessing the old and new files but it would make Outlook free from the Exchange Recovery Mode. Outlook will only exit from the Exchange Recovery Mode when the old mailbox with the old OST files in available once again. However, when the mailbox gets permanently damaged or when it gets inconsistent with the old OST files then, exiting Outlook from the Exchange Recovery Mode becomes vital. Exchange recovery by exiting the ERM can be done by first accessing the the Microsoft Outlook application and selecting the ‘Connect’ option. Then go to the ‘Tools’ menu and click on the ‘Email Accounts’. From here, users can either click on view or click on the change email accounts options. After that, select the Microsoft Exchange Server Account and click on change. After clicking on the change option, access the More Settings options and then click on Advanced. A window will open with the advanced settings options. From there, uncheck the ‘Use Cached Exchange Mode’ checkbox and click on ‘Apply’. After this, click on the Offline Folder File Settings and then click on the ‘Disable Offline Use’ button. After doing this, click on yes on the prompt which appears next and then click on OK, Next, and Finish. Restart Microsoft Outlook and then enable the Use Cached Exchange Mode from the advanced settings options on ‘More Settings’ that was accessed earlier and restart Outlook. Users not wishing to go through this process can also opt for the Advanced Recovery Tool to exit the Exchange Recovery Mode on Outlook.
